HOA Meetings


  1. Meadow Wood HOA meetings are typically held the second Monday of the month, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Below is a list of the tentative meeting dates for the current year. 
  2. Meeting notifications will be posted at the four entrances to Meadow Wood a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the meeting. 
  3. The meeting location is published on the agenda and on the posted sign. Meeting agendas will be posted to this site once available and will be available in hard copy format at the meeting. 
  4. All Meadow Wood homeowners are invited to attend the HOA meeting. 
  5. Agenda topics may be provided via the Contacts tab on this website. Please note the meeting format will consist of Board discussion of agenda items, followed by open discussion in which residents are invited to provide input. 

If you would like to view minutes from previous meetings, please Sign-In